
Monday, September 24, 2012

What Is A Spiritual Path?

September 23, 2012

Buddha Tara Kaleidoscope
(Transmitted from Lhamo Dorje and Adrial into Leslee’s point of view)
This road of life follows many paths at once, and each of us finds the opportunity to choose how we travel it.
As these paths present themselves to us, each one glows with enticements that appeal to our senses and sensibilities. We can revel in the journey for its own sake or we can set our sights on Ascension or Enlightenment, and we can switch back and forth between these as we travel.
In any case, we’re on spiritual paths, regardless of whether or not we see it that way. We all are spirits, living – hopefully thriving – within bodies, so how could it be any other way?
That said, how we view ourselves engaging the world and those we share it with tremendously affects the quality of our brief visits here.  We can follow synchronicities that arise for us in many ways. We can watch them with fascination and curiosity, or we can view them as nudges and hints from our Spiritual Guides. We can also view them as random chaotic events, or mere meaningless phenomena, and the list of variations can expand to suit everyone’s experience.
We’d like to suggest that the views can all be boiled down into three categories: spiritual, materialistic, and phenomenal (or any combination of the two).
If we hold our own paths (experiences of this particular lifetime) as being primarily a series of puzzling or fascinating events, and we simply follow along, trying to find happiness, we might say we’re on a phenomenal path – one of phenomena.
Life just beats on, and we try our best to roll with the punches and enjoy the ride.
When our fascination escalates to the point that we begin to look for explanations, develop theories and search for “proof”, then we’ve stepped into a more materialistic (perhaps even scientific) path. Here we search for understanding of the world around us.
Now we can compare notes with others… Perhaps we look for patterns or rhythms that begin to “make sense” to us.
As we travel this path, at some point we may notice we feel we comprehend the physical world around us more completely. New questions may begin to arise. And these questions may seem more mysterious, less explicable.
This curiosity often leads us inside ourselves.
Once we look inside, even for just a brief moment, we’ve danced our way onto a spiritual path. We’ve caught a glimpse of the possibilities that hover outside the grasp of phenomena and materialism.
It’s okay, relax!
Dipping your toes into a spiritual path doesn’t mean you’ve become religious. Religion itself has nothing to do with spirituality. Religion is a human construct, invented by humans out of fear. We won’t go into that right now.
Moments spent on a spiritual path carry us into our hearts, our third eyes, more subtle physical realms, and even the astral planes. It doesn’t matter who or what you choose to guide you. If you intend to elevate yourself and experience your life meaningfully, that intention serves as your true protection and guidance, and whatever spirits, beings, angels or gods you choose as guides are really just your facilitators.
Stepping out of fear is the real goal.
At some points on our path, we may strive out of anger or fear. In these moments, we open ourselves to a greater assortment of “guides”, because our discernment weakens and we look for a quick, “permanent” fix. If we catch ourselves feeling frustrated, afraid or resentful, this is a good time to question deeply the source of our “nudges”.
As we familiarize ourselves more with joy and relax enough to allow our path to flow and teach us, we find more focused guidance.
Focused guidance presents the same puzzles and challenges along our way as scattered guidance. However, focused lessons tend to lead us in a progression along the path, rather than looping us into a cycle where we feel stuck. When we sense that we’re getting the same lessons, fears and frustrations repeatedly, we might do well to examine who – or what – we’re relying upon… if anything.
Finding focused guidance to keep us on a clear spiritual path is actually quite easy in principle. All we need to do is set our intention first, and then request help. Again, our intention protects us. It’s as if Intention conducts the “job interviews” before our guides are granted access to our heart, mind, spirit, or soul.
Sounds easy.
The challenge is to stick with it and be consistent. Discovering our intention may take time and effort. It usually requires meditation in order to develop a mind powerful enough to maintain clarity; self-discipline and steady practice play key roles.
We’ll hand you some encouragement. If you’ve reached a point where you recognize in yourself the wish to experience a spiritual path, you probably already have a good start on the intention, practice, and self-discipline pieces. Usually, by the time we’ve developed some spiritual wishes, they’ve sprung from having grown tired of learning lessons the hard way. Pulling ourselves up out of the mud highly motivates us towards effort. When we feel tired, frustrated or impatient, we can simply recall where we’ve been and how far we’ve come. This encourages us to catch our breath and then forge onwards.
Whatever path we find ourselves on now we can feel assured that in the big picture, we’re moving forward. Sometimes we may feel we’re waltzing around back and forth, or even circling endlessly in a square-dance, but every breath we take keeps us in our bodies, and our bodies carry us ultimately forward.
That’s why we took them. Abiding in the physical may seem tedious at times, but when we make progress in a physical body, we’re moving at a pace much faster than if we continuously hung out in the astral or spirit realms. Here on Earth we’re bombarded by lessons and experiences that force us to choose, discern, and apply effort – quickly – if we want to find happiness. We see graphically, sometimes brutally, how we are connected with one another, and how our actions impact others.
So please try to enjoy even the most confounding and painful moments of your life, by viewing them as stepping stones leading you to happiness.
When you reflect, look for the encouraging and delightful synchronicities. Use them to remind yourself that you enjoy guidance and protection, even when nothing feels very enjoyable.
We wish you many moments of feeling the presence of your guides, and feeling your progress in ways that bring you joy. Call on your guides if you feel alone, and we will be there, without fail. Your progress fills our being with immense delight, and when you smile in your hearts, your world expands into Light.
With much love to all of you,
Adrial and Lhamo Dorje

Monday, September 17, 2012

Introducing the White Sisterhood

By Dreamwalker |
White Buffalo Calf Woman by Cher Lynn
White Cloud Woman
White Owl Woman
White Buffalo Calf Woman
White Lion Woman
White Wolf Woman
White Spirit Bear Woman
White Rabbit Woman
White Swan Woman
White Deer Woman

We are the white sisterhood.
You have seen us before.
We are the White Sisterhood, we are the stories you’ve heard, we represent the ancient knowledge. We are teachers and healers, mothers and daughters. We passed an eagle feather to you, you carry this in your heart today.
We are the stories you have heard about. We have been teachers of compassion. We are now connecting directly with the avatars to which we embody that of the human form. We are of grace, love, and compassion. We embrace you every day and stand beside you to help you whenever it is needed. We hold you up when you need it and kiss you goodnight when you go to sleep. And sometimes you may meet us in your dreams to guide you on your path. Now is the time that you may meet us, and you (humanity) are meeting yourselves for the first time as you awaken from your slumber. As creators you are shape-shifters and spirits, your multidimensional forms connect with all planes and all realities. You are that which you see yourselves, as you see us before you.
That which you might see as negative expressions of your soul is at this time a necessary part of the positive expressions of your soul. You are not seeing yourselves as a separate being, but as one with all of the universe for you truly are the universe. The template of the universe, so to speak, is embodied in all that you are. So the challenge now is to expand your definition of what you are out into the broadest reaches of the universe. Whatever you can imagine, reach further.
And so here we are before you as equals and as guides, we stand before you as you stand before us. Attunements have run their course and are no longer required, although these still may serve to help provide shifts in consciousness for those who need them.
We are the White Sisterhood, and we await further definition. We are the White Sisterhood, and we have always been with you since the beginning of time. We are the White Sisterhood, and we stand with you in the seven directions. Membership in the White Sisterhood encompasses all. We are the feminine expression of all, in a singular / separate collective expression at this time to deliver our message.
We will see you soon. We love you so much!
Notes: This is a project I have been “given”, to help identify, define, and connect the White Sisterhood. These women have existed separately in many stories of people from many cultures.  White Cloud Woman I don’t know anything about, but she wished to be added to the list. The others have been identified in myths and legends. I feel this is by no means a complete list, and more than one person may certainly identify with this energy (it is all-inclusive rather than exclusive).

But to get the ball rolling, I am connecting these spirits to the realm of my experience, and this is their wish that I do so. Selphia is an Agarthan contact of mine who can be included in this list, although I don’t understand her role at this time. She has somewhat protested my use of the term “White Deer Woman” rather than just “Deer Woman” but I feel this is accurate (or perhaps necessary for the purposes of identification…).
White Cloud Woman
White Owl Woman
White Buffalo Calf Woman (Stasha Eve)
White Lion Woman
White Wolf Woman (Amaterasu)
White Spirit Bear Woman (Dorothy Maquabeak Francis)
White Rabbit Woman
White Swan Woman (Saraswati)
White Deer Woman (Selphia of Agartha)

Here’s a picture of Selphia / Deer Woman. This is pretty much how she appears to me.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Adrial: Abi-Qor & Athabantian Connection During Dreamflights

Ground Level View of the Portal at Abi-Qor
Partial Overall Aerial View of Abi-Qor’s Surface Facilities
(From Adrial, through Leslee Hare)
The Crew of Athabantian would like to offer some suggestions for connecting with them during your Dreamflights, especially for those of you who are interested in Abi-Qor.
When you go to sleep, first set the intention/wish to meet one of the Crew Members aboard Athabantian, and to communicate with them telepathically… And also to recall what you experience during this visit. You may also request to meet one or more Crew Members AT Abi-Qor, particularly if you would like to begin working to manifest Abi-Qor into the physical. You may specify in your intent, if there is a particular aspect of Abi-Qor and the 5th dimension that you would like to help manifest.

Additionally, when you lie down to sleep, focus on your third eye/pineal gland, visualizing it as a tiny pink sphere, bathed in golden light. Please hold the intention for this visualization/meditation to raise your vibration sufficiently to draw you into the 4th or 5th dimension. This will allow you to more effectively meet with our Friends in the higher dimensions.

If you can, also visualize that the pink sphere is further surrounded by concentric spheres of light in rainbow colors… similarly to the rings of Saturn, but spheres instead of rings… They are very light and radiant, and of the nature of wisdom, love, and bliss …

Then, if you can fall asleep holding at least some portion of that visualization, and having made the request to meet and have a conversation… and also to remember the experience and conversation, you may find this exercise to be a wonderful way to develop your skills of telepathy and astral travel.
(Leslee’s comments: These are the images of Abi-Qor which were presented at the Transformation 2012 Conference, held in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, USA, in August 2012. Related to the visualizations described, I’ve been receiving a lot about the pineal gland lately, and Mark Kimmel says he works with that a lot, too… This is the doorway to our communications with our Friends. Best wishes to everyone in your astral adventures! With much love and light from Pagosa, Leslee – and many thanks to Gricel for requesting this information!)